Hypertension or HBP (high blood pressure) is a common condition that many people suffer from, including numerous disabled veterans.

It is also a condition for which some veterans are entitled to receive VA benefits under certain circumstances.

The biggest challenge in making VA disability claims for hypertension is proving that it is somehow connected to military service.

This article will provide some insight on VA disability claims help for service-related hypertension.

Hypertension Can Significantly Affect A Veteran’s Life

Hypertension is a serious condition that can significantly affect a veteran’s life.

Some of the symptoms of hypertension include fatigue, vision problems, confusion, headaches, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and others.

Hypertension often coincides with or is caused by other conditions and treating it is essential.

Fortunately, VA benefits for hypertension are available to veterans when they can prove a service-connection.

Whether hypertension is their initial diagnosis or a secondary condition, VA disability claims can be filed as long as the veteran can show the necessary evidence.

How Is Service-Connection to Hypertension Proven?

Like any other illness or condition that veterans might file a VA disability claim, hypertension must be proven to be somehow related to their military service.

In addition to personal and military service records, their VA disability claim for hypertension must include the following to be accepted:

  • Medical records that include a diagnosis of hypertension.
  • Three days of blood pressure measurements showing multiple high blood pressure readings per day.
  • Evidence that blood pressure measurements have worsened during or within a year after military service.

Can HBP Be A Secondary Service-Connected Condition?

There are several conditions for which veterans may already be receiving VA benefits that can cause hypertension.

Veterans with these conditions can submit a disability claim for hypertension when it is diagnosed as secondary to these other service-connected conditions:

  • Agent Orange Exposure
  • Heart or Kidney Disease
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • PTSD
  • Side effect of medication used to manage a service-connected disability

How Does the VA Rate HBP in VA Disability Claims?

The VA rates hypertension on a scale of 10% to 60% depending on how elevated a veteran’s blood pressure is when measured.

To be eligible for VA disability claims benefits, the veteran must have a hypertension rating of at least 10%.

The ratings range starts at 10% for veterans with a blood pressure of 100-109 diastolic or 160-199 systolic and increases incrementally up to 60% with a diastolic blood pressure of 130 or higher.

Monthly disability compensation for this condition depends on a veteran’s hypertension disability rating.

As a secondary condition, compensation will depend on how their rating for hypertension increases their overall disability rating.

Get VA Disability Claims Help for Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition for which veterans may receive VA benefits when they can prove service-connection.

Before filing a VA disability claim for hypertension as a primary disability or secondary to another disability, it is essential to gather the right evidence to show a service connection.

An experienced VA disability claims help assistant can answer questions about filing claims for hypertension or help veterans with primary or secondary hypertension resolve their claims issues.

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True Vet Solutions Helps with VA Disability Claims!

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